We have a team of three dedicated print & copy professionals who are available during business hours to assist with all print needs. Simply email your files to print@bcitsa.ca. In your email, provide the print team with a PDF file, information about how you want your file printed and finished, and how many copies you need. Also, let them know what time you would like to pick the project up and any other relevant details. If our team needs more information, they will contact you directly.
The Campus Print & Copy Centre offers a wide range of services to meet the needs of student projects on campus. Whether you are printing large or small projects, you can be sure you will receive high-quality pieces that will make your reports shine. We have a fast turnaround time and are often able to get your projects finished right on the spot. Have a look at some of our services below:
• Large and small format printed projects
• Booklets, pamphlets, & magazines
• Pocket-size study guides
• Business cards
• Capstone project printing (check out our templates tab for downloadable templates)
• Drafting & drawings* (ensure you save your CAD drawings as PDF)
• Project finishing (folding, cutting, etc.)
• Binding (Spiral, Cerlox, & Coil)
• Laminating