Intrapreneurship – using entrepreneurial skills within an organization – is an exciting, growing area and experts predict that due to the impact of the coronavirus on companies and society, intrapreneurs will play an increasingly important role in the world of work.
What Does Research Show About the Value of Intrapreneurship During Covid-19?
According to research by recruitment brand Michael Page, one of the top “in demand skills” of 2020, is intrapreneurship.
Serial entrepreneur, personal branding expert, best-selling author, speaker, and Forbes magazine contributor, Bianca Miller Cole, also supports the view that being in a pandemic has altered the way employers are now choosing potential candidates and the skills they look for. Cole identifies intrapreneurship as one of seven top skills necessary in all working environments during and after a pandemic.
Identifying Yourself as an Intrapreneur is a Powerful Career Move!
In fact, many people don’t understand the concept and what it means. In a recent poll of job seekers, it was found that only 12% of people list intrapreneurship on their resume, while only 15% understood the concept of intrapreneurship — and when pressed for a definition this number dropped significantly. Even those that have heard the term have trouble explaining it.
By being able to understand and articulate this concept, and by continuously developing this skill set, YOU will stand out among other candidates and will be able to provide substantial value for the organization you choose to work for, whether you’re an employee or an entrepreneur.
Why is There Power in Intrapreneurship Skills?
Having good problem-solving skills, which is an identifying characteristic of a good intrapreneur (and entrepreneur), is essential in any workplace and it is particularly important when going through a pandemic. We need our intrapreneurs to step up, so that we can innovate and move forward together through your ability to:
- Adapt,
- Be creative,
- Innovate,
- Network,
- Problem-solve, and
- Be resourceful
How Can You Develop Your Intrapreneurship Skills?
Whether you identify as an intrapreneur already, or not yet, there is now a very effective free resource available to you as a BCIT student or alumnus that will help you build and develop your intrapreneurship skills, so that you can have a competitive advantage.
At BCITSA Entrepreneurship, we now offer free 1-on-1 coaching where you will get customized support to develop your intrapreneurial skills.
Why Coaching?
Coaching is a form of development in which an experienced person, called a coach, supports a learner in achieving a specific personal or professional goal. Coaching will accelerate your progress by providing greater focus and awareness of your choices.
Coaching is neither counselling nor mentorship. It concentrates on where you are today and what you are willing to do to get to where you want to be tomorrow. We’ll help you understand what coaching involves before you have your first coaching session so that you can know if coaching is a good fit for you.
Are you interested in learning more about intrapreneurship coaching and if it’s for you? Book an online 1-on-1 intrapreneurship coaching consultation appointment with us to learn more. (You’ll also find common questions and answers on intrapreneurship coaching when you click on the link).
Or do you have another need? Do you need support with your current business or business goals?
We’re here to support you! Connect with us by booking an online 1-on-1 appointment with us. Our services are free and your BCITSA Entrepreneurship team members (Laura and Tania) are available virtually until we can meet again in-person.
Let me know what you think or if you have any questions about intrapreneurship or coaching. I look forward to hearing from you.
Stay healthy! Stay safe!